Ateliers ’89
The Foundation ‘Ateliers ’89’ offers Arubans and others interested from the Caribbean region an orientation on contemporary applied art and design. Workshops in different disciplines as painting, installations, video-art, photography, drawing, fashion, theatrical-design, ceramics, animation, graphic design and history of art are organized in a spacious, open and comfortable setting. Established foreign and local artist teach at the studio’s. Every workshop culminates in an exhibition which is open to the public. Furthermore, there are special workshops and tours of the exhibitions for children and young students. Ateliers ’89 works in close cooperation with a number of art academies in the Netherlands. This way, young talents who started off in the workshops of Ateliers ’89 can easily find their way to a Dutch academy.
Ateliers ’89 already used to exist from 1989 till 1994. In 2006, they made a fresh start. Before, they have had four successful years. One of the students at Ateliers ’89 is the well-known Remy Jungerman, who ended up in Holland and gained fame there. Another example is the acclaimed fashion designer Percy Irausquin, who sad enough recently passed away. Coinciding, there is a respectable number of artists who, in part due to their learnings at the workshops, grew to represent Aruba abroad: Glenda Heyliger, Roland Jansen, Alida Martinez, Osaira Muyale, Irene Peterson, Ryan Oduber, Heronimo Renwick, Marcello Werleman, en Junior de Windt are just a few examples.
After the re-start in 2006, Ateliers ’89 has booked two rather successful years. The ‘One Minute Workshop’, by artist Dick Tuinder has resulted in a number of international nominations for the Olympic One Minutes in Beijing, China in 2008. This year, no fewer than four Ateliers ’89 Alumni have made the transfer to the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.
Artists in residence
The compound also offers the possibility to provide housing for artists who wish to work abroad for a longer period of time. The building incorporates a number of apartments and studio’. The studio’s are conveniently located in Oranjestad, near the ocean. Artists from Holland and the Netherlands Antilles who want to spend a period in Aruba can apply for a ‘werkbudget flexibele bijdrage’ with the Fonds BKVB in consultation with the board of Ateliers ’89. We expect a constructive contribution from the artist in residence to the cultural climate of Aruba. Exact expectations and demands will be provided in consultation with the organization of Atelier ’89.
Who can apply for the workshops of Ateliers ‘89?
At Ateliers ’89, young talents who seek an orientation on art can discover whether they want to follow up on an Art Academy. Having said that, Ateliers ’89 is open to anyone with good motivation. History has proven that individuals from all layers of society have come to the studio’s to gain knowledge and skills and to become proficient in the subjects that are taught here.
Ateliers ’89 is Located in the heart of Oranjestad and possesses a large classroom complex (the formar Moa School) as well as a large plot of surrounding land. A significant portion of the building has been prepared as exhibition space.
In the studio’s, the focus is set on wide variety of disciplines in art and design. Also, Ateliers ’89 is keen to supply the need of individuals who wish to participate on different levels. The teachers are trained in both academic and practical as well as individually customized education and can therefore easily adapt to the very needs of the individual students. Recently, workshops have been given by:
Michael Tedja, Miek Hoekzema, Maarten de Reus, Dick Tuinder, Ryan Oduber, Osaira Muyale, Nia Halima, Irina Birger, Sandra Derks, Glenda Heyliger, Elvis Lopez, Telka van Dodewaard, Rob Slooten, Titus Dekker, Claire Fons, Gamal Fouad en.Merel van ‘t Hullenaar.
In a two-year-cycle, the workshops offer a widely varied set of disciplines in which before-mentioned subjects are incorporated in various compositions. Per subject, basic theoretical teachings will be integrated in the courses.
Needless to say, these constructions can be easily adjusted to various individual demands. In all courses organized by Ateliers ’89, the development of mentality, conceptual reasoning and artistic ability play a central role. The participants will be stimulated to seek a new perspective on existing matters. Awareness will always be one of the main focuses.
About the workshops
A workshop always lasts one month and will be organized in the evenings, four days a week.
Presentation result workshops
Every workshop culminates in a publicly accessible exhibition for the duration of four weeks, in which a lot of attention is given to gaining publicity.
The workshops will be given in a classroom-environment. Within this model, there is room for fellow participants to share views on each others’ work. This way, the students can exchange knowledge and skills and profit from the advice and practical tips they will give each other. Also, these confrontations are socially enriching as the students come from all kinds of different parts of the Caribbean. Different views and opinions fuelled by various backgrounds cross and stimulate one another. Apart from the classroom-approach, the teachers take the time to guide the students individually where necessary, so everyone gets sufficient attention at the appropriate level.
As mentioned before, every workshop is followed by an exhibition of the work or a small manifestation or performance, depending of the nature of the work.
We welcome participants who:
- Are talented and motivated.
- Practicing artists who wish to broaden or rejuvenate their knowledge and/or capabilities.
Participants are selected on a basis of talent and motivation after an interview and an exhibition of recent work. Also, participants will be screened for their amenability to development and criticism.
The commission consist of experts affiliated to the academy. This is true for both Aruba and The Netherlands.
Apart from the mentioned artistic workshop, Ateliers ’89 is also involved with organizing societal workshops. Villages are visited to give disadvantaged youths the chance to become acquainted with applied art. Ateliers will come and collect these children to view the exhibitions and participate in discussions with the organization of Ateliers ’89.
In the summer, activities will be organized for youths during so-called summer camps. A summer camp is organized for three days a week, for one month. On average, thirty children participate in a camp. Also, other camps from Aruba stop by for a single day of painting-classes and to visit the current exhibition. These camps consist of roughly sixty children per camp.
If you are interested in participating in the workshops or an artist-residency at Ateliers ’89, please do not hesitate to contact the President:
Elvis Lopez
Dominicanessenstraat 34, Oranjestad, Aruba
Tel (297)5885776
Cel (297) 565 46 13
Coördination The Netherlands
Margriet Kruyver, Head Audiovisual Department (VAV) Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Gerrit van der Hout, Head Facilities Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht
Board Ateliers ‘89 Foundation Aruba
Lydia Emerencia, President, President of the Universiteit Aruba
Angelo Tromp, Secretary , Employed by the Directie Cultuur op Aruba, as acting Head of Culture. Noraina Pietersz, Treasurer, Lawyer
Board Ateliers ’89 Foundation The Netherlands
Jos Houweling, President, Director Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam
Ben Zegers, Secretary, Director of Education Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Jos Burger, Treasurer, consultant, Maastricht
We would like to thank:
Prins Bernhard Cultural fund Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.
Mondriaan Foundation
Doen Foundation
Prins Claus Fund
Universidad di Aruba
Sandberg Institute
Gerrit Rietveld Academy
And many institutes, corporations, and individuals in Aruba amongst which:
Universidad di Aruba ( voorzitter stichting Ateliers '89 Lydia Emerencia ), Biblioteca Nacional Aruba, Museo Archeoligico Aruba,
Directie Cultuur, Aruba,,Gouverneur Aruba, Dutch representation on Aruba, Garage Central,,Deloitte, KPMG, Valero, Price Water House Coopers, Tiara Air, Westin Resort, Gomez i Bikker Advocaten Kantoor, RBTT Bank, Ing Bank, Centrale Bank, Investmentbank, CMB Bank, SVE TV- Ryan Oduber, Art Gallery Acces - Renwick Heronimo, Oranjestad kunsthuis - Gilbert Senchie,– SINFA- Glenda Heyliger, Fundacion Eterno – Osaira Muyale, Toyota, Free Winds Cruise Ship, Videos Unlimited, Digicel, EJ. Eman of www,, Knock Out Model Agency – Ronchi de Cuba, Aruba Trading Co, Swint Trading, Pepia Est, Jimmys Café, Anna Bergen, The Islanders, AIS, Young Poets Society -Wilfred Jansen, Alydia Wever, DJ Kenny Fowler, DJ Said, DJ Jose da Silva. Aruba Adventures, Vibration Company - Fernando Mansur en Maria Silva, Palm Tours, Check Point Colour, Pro - Graphics , Gerda en Dick Faber, Evelino Fingal, Nia Halima, Femke Ludgerink, Geert Rep, Theo van der Sanden, Ken Wolf, Jess Wolf.